Matthew 9:17
17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
This is where I have been stuck or spiritually stagnant. I have tried in vain to merge the old me with the new me. The two cannot exist in the same vessel. It’s not just physical changes such as how one dresses, wears their hair, etc. It’s mental and emotional. Greater mental control (bring every thought under…scripture). the very thoughts you entertain including old beliefs that stem and are stored in the heart. As well as emotional growth and maturity. (scripture)
For me the hardest part was swapping old beliefs for new especially when it came to myself rather than other people. The image God showed me of myself as He sees me was so drastically different than the image the world gave to me. I didn’t fully trust God or His image of me. How silly right? (scriptures wonderfully and fearfully made….knew before knitted in mother’s womb)
I think I naively believed that once I invited Jesus into my heart it would be all roses and rainbows. All my anger, depression, anxiety, etc. would be gone instantly. I was utterly mistaken. (renew the mind everyday and other scriptures as back up)